Address Detail

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Property Information
Address: 3948 W 26th St
Chicago, IL 60623
Property Name: Pilsen/Little Village SOAR Center
Long Name: Pilsen/Little Village SOAR Center
Property Use: SOAR
Ownership: CPS Leased
If Non-CPS Property, Owner Name:
Assessment / Most Recent Facility Standards Review: N/A
Capital Investment and Project Information (January 2010 to date)
Lease Information
Download LeaseDescriptionLease/Lic. TypeLessor/ LicensorLessee/ LicenseeLease Detail
Central_States_SER_(7.1.23-6.30.24)_10th_Renewal.pdf Sublease.SOAR.CentralStatesSER.3948 W 26th St. 2013-2024.pdf 10th Renewal and Amendment of Sublease Agreement Board as tenant Central States SER, Jobs for Progress, INC. Board of Education of the City of Chicago View