Lease Detail

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Addresses Associated with this Lease
AddressCity, State, ZipProperty NameLong NameAddress Detail
2001 N Orchard St Chicago IL 60614 Lincoln Park HS Lincoln Park High School View
Lease Information
Description: Parking Lot Rental
Lease or License Type: Parking
Lessor or Licensor: CPS
Lessee or Licensee: Bianca Calvente dba Rapid Valet Parking
Board Report:
Effective Date: 10/01/2019
Termination Date: 09/30/2020
Annual Rent: $42,000
Maintenance: Licensee
Capital Improvements CPS
Utilities: n/a
Other Expenses:
Notes Monday-Friday: 6pm-7am Saturday, Sunday, holidays: 24 hours When school is not in session: 24 hours The City of Chicago shall have the right to use the Premises from 6am through 3pm on Saturdays from the last Saturday in April through the first Saturday in November for a farmer's market. Church(es) licensing space inside the School shall use the eastern half of the lot on Mondays through Thursdays and Sundays. Sports groups licensing space inside the School shall use the eastern half of the lot on Mondays through Thursdays and Sundays. Attached Exhibit A requiring background checks is hereby incorporated into and made a part of this agreement.
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