Lease Detail

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Addresses Associated with this Lease
AddressCity, State, ZipProperty NameLong NameAddress Detail
1148 N Honore St Chicago IL 60622 LaSalle II @ Andersen LaSalle II Magnet Elementary School View
Lease Information
Description: Parking Lot Rental
Lease or License Type: Parking
Lessor or Licensor: CPS
Lessee or Licensee: Red Square Spa, LLC
Board Report:
Effective Date: 02/01/2018
Termination Date: 01/31/2020
Annual Rent: $37,758
Maintenance: Licensee
Capital Improvements CPS
Utilities: n/a
Other Expenses:
Notes Red Square Space is allowed to use the premises on the following days and times: Monday through Friday: 5pm-6am Saturday and Sunday: 7am-6am
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